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Our Studio

Since 2010, Albus Studio has been helping businesses harness the power of creativity to achieve their goals. We are a team of experienced designers, strategists, and technologists who work together to create meaningful brands, digital products and interactive experiences. Our mission is to use design to make organizations more effective and efficient, and ultimately help them transform for the better. We believe that good design can change the world, and we’re committed to using our skills for the greater good.

Our Approach

At Albus Studio, we believe that the relationship between audiovisual design, foresight, and design methods can drive innovative visions that strategically position organizations, products, and services.  → More

Our Team

Albus Studio is led and founded by Creative Director Felipe Marthan in collaboration with international multidisciplinary teams led by Senior Designer Eduardo Tovar.

Our Name & Symbol

Our name derives from the Latin “alba,” meaning “white, sunrise, clear, bright, shining.  The dawn symbolizes a new day. The sunrise brings the light. For us at Albus Studio, Graphic Communication is like a light that brings clarity and meaning to us, individuals, organizations, companies, and society. Our symbol has three meanings. The first “A” stands for the initial of Albus Studio. The second “A” turned to the left symbolizes an observant eye. The third “A”, turned 180° represents the beginning of the sunrise.

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