Projects / Archive / IED ToolKit

IED ToolKit

Conceptualization & Product Design

In 2010, the Istituto Europeo di Design of Madrid developed IEDDesignNet, an online platform that sought a new way of comprising design in future transformations. Global, collaborative, dynamic, creative, and committed to changing social needs, IEDDesignNet stood as a space for the meeting of institutions, professionals, universities, users, academics, and businesses to channel views and reflections of participants from all parts of the globe to a new way of acting and thinking, more inclusive and international. IEDDesignNet offered a natural outlet for research, creation, and development processes.

The network invited students to participate in various workshops and investigation seminars in a work of conscious creativity and critical and performative dialogue on the design action.

- The tool was used by over 1,000 students at the MadridDesignNet.
- During the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China, the tool was implemented in the workshop “Me and my City.”
- An adapted version was developed for businesses.
- 3,000 units were produced.
- A new version was developed in October 2011 for the edition “Experience the City” (Mexico).

Design and adaptation methodologies, activities, and tools:
José Corujeira (Bachelor of Information Sciences and Diploma of Advanced Studies and Investigating Sufficiency DEA, Universidad Complutense de Madrid), and David Vasquez Martán.

IED Madrid Director: Riccardo Marzullo. IED Madrid Deputy Director: José Piquero. IED Master Director: Dario Assante. IED Madrid Scientific Committee Director: Francisco Jarauta. IED Madrid Communication: Marisa Santamaría. MDN Coordination: Maiko Arrieta.

Layout: David Vasquez Martan, Jose Corujeira, Juan Pedro Aguilar and Yago Bolívar. Editorial Staff: Irene Porras. Coordination: David Vasquez Martan, Lucía S. Del Campo. Translation: Erick Valdivieso, Luca Baldi, Heather Elizabeth Higle. Professor Test: Edgar González. Observation Staff: Claudia Contreras, Miguel Jiménez, Patricia Lázaro, Javier Alejandre, Saskia Bostelmann, Miguel Zafra.

In that context, the need arose to develop the IED ToolKit: a methodological tool to unify processes, catalog and evaluate the outcome of the participants and create a space for self-assessment and interaction. On the other hand, the instrument enhanced and organized the creative processes of the workshops and created an internal debate about how the creative process could be shaped at a pedagogical level.

In May 2010, during the MadridDesignNet event, 1,000 students from 13 international universities gathered in 70 innovation workshops working in interdisciplinary groups where “Good design will change the world.” was the theme.

During the 70 workshops, the IED Toolkit was used as an instrument to enhance creativity and innovation through different methods and activities.

Within five phases which took five days, students carried out activities in research, creativity, evaluation, targeting, and communication of projects.

Download the Didactic Guide
Download the Student guide

ISBN: 978-84-693-2218-5

The Istituto Europeo di Design is a network of educational institutes focusing on creativity and design. Its headquarters is based in Milan, and they also have branches in Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, and Sao Paolo. More than 8,000 new students enroll each year from up to 82 countries.


Me and my City Workshop

